I always figured that one of my strengths as a parent would come forth when the kids hit the "why" stage. You parents know what I'm talking about. For Adam, the "why" stage hit almost simultaneously with his third birthday.
All of a sudden, EVERYTHING is "why, why, why?"
I tend to know a little bit about a wide range of stuff. I rarely boast -- trust me when I tell you there's not much to boast about -- but one thing I can say with all honesty is that you want me on your team for Trivial Pursuit.
So I figured I'd be pretty good at answering the "why's?".
What nobody tells you, though, is that you're going to get bombarded with questions to which there is no logical answer.
Here are a few recent examples:
- "Where is the Science Center."
"It's downtown -- that way."
"Why is the Science Center that way?"
Because that's where they built it.
"Why did they build it there?"
"Because that's where they had the land to build it."
"Why did they have the land?"
Hey, listen to this song on the radio!
- What time is it?
It's 10 o'clock.
Why is it 10 o'clock?
Because...ummm...you see, the prime meridian...Greenwich Mean Time...umm...you wanna go to the Science Center?
I recognize the importance of this stage in Adam's life. He'll probably never again be this intellectually curious. But man, kid, could you ask some questions about the 1960 World Series, or the history of Captain America's sidekicks, or something -- anything -- with a concrete answer?
Meanwhile, there may have been a breakthrough on the issue of Smithers' most annoying trait -- of which there are many.
The dog has been peeing in the house again for a while now. Almost daily. We took him to the vet, who did some tests for kidney problems, bladder infections, etc – and nothing.
We began giving him just a teeny tiny bit of water before we left in the morning, instead of his usual one full bowl – and still nothing, except for a nice big blob of dog pee in the house nearly every day, which leaked down through the floor and onto some heating ductwork in a place that was impossible to reach, but made its presence known every time the furnace kicked on.
We couldn’t figure out how he was peeing, since he had had relatively no water since 8 pm the previous night, and I take him out at least twice before bed, and two or three times every morning before we leave.
Two nights ago I made a discovery. Our new-ish hot water heater has a little spout on the side for drainage. I don’t know why it’s there, but apparently it’s supposed to spew out some water every now and then. I had put a little pink tub there to collect the water. It’s WAY back in a corner, behind a bunch of shelves, and nearly impossible to get to.
Except, apparently, for Smithers. It occurred to me that I hadn’t had to empty the thing in a while. This occurred to me shortly after I saw the hound nose his way back into that teeny, crowded little corner -- obviously on a quest.
So basically, the dog has been drinking water to his heart's content, every day. And trust me when I tell you that he drinks a lot. Usually 4 or 5 bowls every night when we get home from work.
So I've blocked off the catch-basin, and will try to empty it on a daily basis. We'll see what that does.